Working Time
- Mon-Sat 10:00 am - 1:30 pm & 4:30 pm - 8:30
Sunday Closed
Acne & Acne marks and scars
- Did you know that about 80% of all teens and young adults and about 5% of older adults suffer from acne?
- Acne is caused by hormonal influence, glycogenic diet, stress factors, some drugs and application of cosmetics.
- Acne could occur on face, shoulders, back and chest.
- Acne not only causes physical suffering but it also affects personality of an individual and may even lead to depression and sometimes withdrawal from social activities.
- While many people recover from acne without any permanent effects, some people are left with disfiguring acne scars.
- Acne can recur. It requires repeat treatment to control it. If acne remains untreated for 3 months or more, it can lead to scarring on face.
Treatment by qualified dermatologist can help you to
- control the acne
- to prevent blemishes and scars.
Of course, the best way to avoid blemishes and scars from acne is to find an effective acne treatment that fights acne-causing bacteria, blocks effect of hormones on oil glands and opens up clog.ed poress.
What are the types of acne?
Acne can present as –
- Comedones – closed (white heads) or open (black heads)
- Papules
- Pustules
- Nodules
- Cysts
Acne can be graded as – depending on number and type of acne lesions-
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
Treatment of acne
Topical creams – retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, anti-bacterials, dapsone and alpha and beta acids.
- Anti-biotics
- Isotretinoins
- Hormones
- Chemical peels
- Lasers
- Intra lesional injections in cysts and nodules
- Removal of closed and open comedones
Home care –
- Cleansing of face with right kind of face washes
- Apply moisturizers
- Protect face with sun-screens
- Pricking or squeezing acne
- Scrubbers
- Self-treatment
- Untreated acne for more than 3 months.
- Hyper or hypo pigmented marks
- Atrophic (depressed) scars
- Hypertrophic (raised) scars
Our centre can help you to fight acne and prevent acne scar by prescribing topical creams and oral medicines, chemical peels, microdermabrasion and lasers.
Chemical peels help to control comedones that is black heads and white heads and post acne pigmentation while Lasers especially short pulsed ND:YAG (1320) and Er:Glass (1550) helps to reduce size of oil producing glands (sebaceous glands), and hence reduce oiliness of skin, Lasers also helps to kill acne producing bacteria and helps to control acne.
Early and effective control of acne can prevent acne scar formation.
Acne scar treatment
comes in many different forms, ranging from creams to laser treatments. Each of these treatments is designed to resurface the skin to eliminate disfiguring scars left by acne.
Types of acne scars
- Atrophic (Depressed) – common on face
- Hypertrophic (raised) common on back and chest.
Grades of scars
- Mild – just colour change – red or pigmented and flat.
- Moderate – they are atrophic scars but improve (become less visible) on stretching of skin.
- Severe – Do not change on stretching of skin.
Treatment of scars
- Mild – creams, chemical peels, microdermabrasion
- Moderate – chemical peels, lasers like fractional CO2 or fractional MNRF or combination of both types of lasers, injection of fillers and Lasers with PRP or nano- fat. (expect 40 to 70% improvement in visibility of scars).
- Severe – acne scar revision surgery to convert severe scars to moderate scars and then above mentioned treatment for moderate scars.
we can help you to achieve satisfactory, better and everlasting results.